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[[circled]] 2 [[/circled]] 737d
M18672 - Fusulines just over lip of hill all Road Canyon. Down back slope of hill there must be about 20' of rocks before the ammonite bed. The latter as a guess is 5 - 8' thick.
[[sketch of geologic column in left margin]]
Section at M18672
M18671   | A
28'      | B
12'      | C
 3'      | D
18'      | E
 6'      | F
10'      | G
16'      | H
    I    |
65'      | 
M18674   |
Cgl & SS | J
    J    |
[[end of sketch]]

A = Ammonite bed 8' +-
B = Heavy bedded ls mixed with some siliceous rock bedding irregular some siliceous material. Bed B has about 15; beyond the lip of the hill. Fusulines (M18672) taken about 5' starting above edge of hill & 10 - 15' below Ammonites bed.
C - platy siliceous, yellow shaley rock about 12', Top five feet covered. Also has considerable heavy bedded ls lenses.
D - 3' heavy band
E - Upper part mainly massive bedded ls blocky, granular separated by yellow platy shale. Lower part massive granular limestone from which came M18673 = 737e
F - covered.
G - finely granular block ls brown weathering [[five words erased]]
H 16' Showing some massive ls ledges

737e = M18673 - take 50' below top of ledge in bed E
737f = M18674 Penciclarosis[[guess]] at top of cgl.