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shale, rather soft and crumbly but culminating is a 30' sandstone yellowish and fairly hard. Between the ammonite beds and the sandstone there are alternations of shale and sand, the latter often containing fair-sized plant stems. Other than plants we saw no fossils in the sandstone.

Ravine above ss is debris choked but showed sandy shale and some sandstone. But at 127' above the sand came a cgl. for about 15' and then what appears definitely to be Cretaceous. Permian float occurs in the ravine, good limestone, some with silicified fossils.

Gully just N of one with thick ss.

A = Conglomerate with huge mass of cosimophora and other Permian. Possibly basal cretaceous.

B covered

C-Biohermal type beds with Composita, Edicosteges, Peniculannis 

D-Mealy limy ss and sandy limestone with a few fossils

E Sandstone & shale. I guess that D is about 50' above the thick ss in the

[[image, diagram of geologic column]]

M19672  |
Cret.   |
10' +/- |A
40' +/- |B
25-30'  |C
10-12'  |D