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[[circled]] 16 [[/circled]]

[[margin]] 738u [[/margin]] M24676 - Perrinites from limestone capping zone of spicules at loc. M2467.

[[margin]] 735v [[/margin]] M24677 - Perrinites from limestone capping zone of spicules at locality 1 1/2 mile E of the plug.

[[margin]] 738w [[/margin]] M24678 - Just above base of spicule zone, just west of biggest bioherm.

The uppermost limestone 30' thick of the spicular bed makes hogbacks behind & above the bioherms.

The bioherms are semi lenticular and have a general uniform or nearly so thickness. They are based on rubble having enormous blocks 6 or more feet in one direction. Between them there is also much rubble. Just W of the largest bioherm the base of the spicule zone rests on the top of the bioherm but westward from the top of the bioherm the space between the largest bioherms & that next to it is filled by reef rubble. The ravines cutting the lower Cibolo are on small faults or through the rubble. The basal beds of the rubble have large crinoid stems

[[sketch in left margin showing bioherm, spicule bed and rubble described above]]