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March 26
Narrows of Cibolo Creek - variegated red & yellow dolomite, a great reefy mass overlying flat-bedded, blocky dark ls. weathering light gray. Forms a bluff about 175' at it highest in the narrows.
Contact of reef & limestone irregular. We were unable to make out any major fault. Many minor displacements as one might expect on a reef. South end with cross - bedding. Reefs overlain by thin-bedded layers. We measured with 30[[degree symbol]] dip along creek about 240' total thickness of this part of the Cibolo. Udden gave 650' but this seems excessive

Look up C. P. Ross 1943 for specimens from the Chinati Mtns.

The hill at the west end of the Permian band look to be about 400' high and the rock seems to spread out but we saw no unusual structure 
At M2667 a 15 - 20' bed of ls comes to the stream level. This is full of fusulines and the limestone looks like the