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[[encircled]] 22 [[/encircled]]

   ?|      200' | yellow reef dolomite
    |           | Thin bedded zone of Udden
    |           | given as 450' from bottom  
  RC|     445'  | 55' sh, 80' of ls (Fuselines
    |           | M25671); 15' Liosotella;
    |           | 100' sh & ls; 20' massive ls
    |           | Fuselines; 180' shale & ss
    |85' - 160' | Spicule zone - chert at base
    |           | with Institella - ls
    |           | near middle with Perrinites
    |           | & 30' - 50' ls at top with 
  CM|           | Perrinites
    |           |
  DR|   130'    | Breccia & "reef" zone
  WC|   100     | Transition beds - with 10
    |           | 15' limy zone near middle
    |           |   

[[left margin, vertical with arrow under]] WC [[/left margin]]