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[[encircled]] 26 [[/encircled]]

March 30
706b is 0.7 mile east of middle of divide in Hess Canyon.

[[margin]] 737w [[/margin]]
It is Appel Ranch not Apple R. as we supposed and published.

The dolomite of the Skinner Ranch at 705a is about 75' above road at east end of hill facing Leonard Mtn. and descends nearly to road at 705a.

March 31 = 737v

M31 [[underlined]] Institella [[/underline]] in Hess lithology above a thick bed of small pebble cgl. Pebble cgl. over 5' thick. 25' - 30' of Hess lithology followed by yellow shale & bioherms.

Evidently the Cathedral Mtn. small pebble cgl. is not a single unit. At M31 it is at least 5' thick but upward it appears & disappears in a matrix of Hess Lithology. The great thickening of the Hess may be in part in the Cathedral Mtn.