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[[circled]] 30 [[/circled]]
April 3
[[sketch of geologic column in left margin]]
            | A
739h = A 3^1|
60'+-       | B
Ammonites   |
A3^2 = 737z |
   Lens     |
- - - - - - |
            | C
4' A3^3     | D
2 - 3' A3^4 | E
20'+-       | F
30 - 40'    | G
25' A5^5    | H 739e 
            | I
            | J
            | K

A = Cretaceous
B = 45' of Slope, possibly 60' of sandy limestone with occasional fossils, richthofenids, Carhypinifina[[?]] yellow platy shale in lower 10' [[vertical note]] {737x [[/note]]
C - 65' of slope with yellow siliceous shale with 10' sandy ls. at top which is probably a local lens.
D - 3 - 4' fusulinid detrital limestone with Collumatus = 737y
E - 2 - 3' +- Blue cobbly ls with Road Canyon ammonites = 739d
F - 15' of slope possibly 20' of limestone, discontinuous, some fossiliferous.
G - [[cross out]]7' of slope in yellow siliceous shale
H - 20' of slope yellow siliceous shale and scattered ls beds with a thick 5' layer at the top. A3[[superscript]] 5 [[/superscript]] fusulinids = 739e
I - 30 - 35' of biohermal limestone with Coscinophora Cobbly basal beds.
J - covered
K - base of section - sandstone  

Transcription Notes:
Annotations with superscript numbers are indicated with '^' as in A3^1 = A3[[superscript]] 1 [[/superscript]]