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  The same thing ought to happen by hail and also if it was very thick and ye grains very big , they would draw along with them much air from above below, and would make a tempest yet more violent, whose swiftness might be 75 feet in a second. ye great windwch are made without raine may proceed from ye combination of three or four causes, and they come ordinarily from ye south-south-west; it may therefore happen that at ye same time, there is elevated a great quantity of exhalation an vapours in Africa, and if there very much heated for three or four days together, and ye northernb countrys are cooled, makes a reflux of ye air wch hath been carried by a north-east; these four causes probably will make a wind impetious enough wch will reign successivley from Afric [[strikethrlough]]to[[/strikethrough]] into England.

  I followed one day a tempest at Paris coming from ye south, and I learnt afterwards by credible elations, that two or three days before above was a furious storm towards ye cost at Alger. that town is almost in ye same meridian with Paris, if that wind made 30 feet in a second, it might arrive in two days from Algeres to Paris. [[strikethrough]]might arrive in two days[[/strikethrough]] to explain ye Hurricanes wch are felt almost every year in some of ye Ant iles, we might have recourse to some other cause!  1o that these tempests are much more violent and make above 100 feet in a second; 2o that they do not last but 7 or 8 hours; 3o that they no where else but in some one or three Iled; 4o that they begin ordianarily with a northwest wch is changeed successively into other winds, to wit ye west, south-west, ye south, ye south-east, ye north-east and ye north. 5o that there is found in ye neighboring seas of these Iles quantity of dead fishes and there are felt earthquakes from all wch circumstances one may conjecture that from ye earth wch is at ye bottom of these seas, there is eruptions of nitrous and sulphurious exhalations in many places successively wch cannot be observed, because that ye vessls wch should be found in these places would be drouned; and it may happen that ye first eruptions having been made at ye side of ye land of ye costs of Cayenne and those wch are near and there being made at ye same time new eruptions, ye first being ceased, ye wind ought to increase and come from ye west, as those assure us wch have there felt their effects; and these fiery eruptions and nitrous and sulphureous exhalations, outght to kill a quantity of fishes in ye places where they are elevated; they who have seen more of ye Hurricanes, and who have observed many other circumstances, may explain them with more certainty.

[[image: drawing of a long, what appears to be the side view a long, slender, curved hull of a boat sitting above a line, unlabeled]]

Transcription Notes:
mandc: In Old English texts a macron above a letter indicates the omission of an m or n that would normally follow that letter. 1o in a list means 1st; 2o means 2nd; 3o means 3rd, 4o means 4th, etc.