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[[image: drawing of a circle [wheel] with center K and a vertical tangent line on left circumference touching at point A (where there is drawn a small circle [weight]), and the vertical line is labeled H down to M.  The circle is divided into quadrants by a vertical line D E from top to bottom of circle; and a horizontal line from A through K to C on circumference to F at right of the circle.  There is a line [spoke] rising 60 degrees from K to a point B (where there is drawn a small circle [weight]) on the circumference, and a tangent line down to the right from B to point F which makes a 30 degree angle with A K C F.  Starting slightly below B is a long narrow rectangle with a small triangle attached at the bottom.  The top right corner of the rectangle touches the circumference at N.  From the top left corner of the rectangle "Q" is a vertical line starting at Q, down to and intersecting line A K C F at G on down to the lower left corner of the rectangle "L", closed to vertical line N R; and below this rectangle there is a small triangle the base line L R and the peak P.

in reguard of ye same centre as ye weight B; but as F B to B G so ye spoke K B or A K to K G; wherefore ye weight B shall make ye same effect in reguard of ye weight A, as if it were in G, that is to say that if A K is ye measure of ye swiftness of ye weight B, but A K is double to K G, as F B is to B G, therefore ye weight A shall be reciprocally to ye weight B as K G, to K A and by ye second and third rule, and by ye second and third rule, [[sic - duplicate phrase]] these weights so disposed shall make an Equilibrium and one will not touch ye other.

  The same thing will happen to two powers, wch being tyed to ye extremity of equal spokes of a wheel shall draw obliquely or directly; for Let there be at ye point L in ye Line B G continued directly to L a power drawing by ye cord L B joyned  in B according to ye direction B L and another power in [[?J]] M, drawing according to ye Tangent line A M by ye cord A M tyed to point A.  If these powers are ^[[equal]] they will not be in equilibrium; but ye powers in M will force ye other, and to mak an equilibrium, it is necessary that ye power in L may be to ye power in M as like  A K  to K G, wch proceed from hence ye power in L doth not come to it selfe directly ye point B; but it goeth according to ye tangent B F at ye beginning of ye motion, and that in ye same time ye power in M goeth directly according to ye tangent Line H A M. now if B N is supported indefinitly small in ye tangent B F and that N Q may be perpendicular to B L,  it is evident that ye point B being in M, ye point L shall become to P, if n P is parallel and equall to B L, and L R and Q N being parallels to A F,  R P shall be equall to B Q, and L P to B N, now ye power tyed to ye point M shall be advanced according to ye direction of ye effort A M a line equal to B n or L P and ye power in L shall not be advanced in ye same time according to ye direction of ye effort B L or C P, but of ye line R P wch is but half of B N or L P, as B G is but ye half of B F; whence it is necessary to make an Equilibrium between ye two [[strikethrough]]parts[[/strikethrough]] powers that wch is at ye point L may be doubled to that wch is at ye point A, wch draws according to ye tangent H F M, and ye other according to ye direction B L wch makes and angle of 30 degrees with ye spoke K B, after ye same manner it is necessary that ye weight B be double to ye weight A to ye end that they may make an Equilibrium.

  From these three principalls of experience there is drawn a general rule for all [[strikethrough]]?[[/strikethrough]] moving powers. this rule or universall principle is thus.