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will descend, and part pass into ye other branch, and will be elevated as unto E while from ye other part will descend as unto N; and again mount to D, and descend to M; and at last after many balancings it will be stopped at ye same hight one both sides as I F.

  When in that experiment ye water begins to descend from ye branch A to pass into ye other, it accelerates its motion until it may be in an equilibrium in ye two branches, as in I F where there ought to be an equilibrium, and afterwards diminisheth its swiftness by little and little, until it may be ye points N and E.  It will after ye same manner descent in accelerating from ye top E until it  hath passed ye same levell I F and will diminish its motion till one of its height be in D and ye other in M, these ballancings will continue till ye water may be stopped in I and F, after ye same manner as ye head of a pendulum accelerates it motion unto ye point of repose, as it diminisheth if in remounting, and as if at last stops at half after many ballancings.

  The same thing will happen in a vessel A B C D where there is water unto E F now if we pour water towerds F, so that it is elevated to G, it will not remain in that estate when we shall cease to pour new water; for ye weight of ye water G K H G, being more than that of ye water K I L H, L H at H C being stopped equal it will for ye reason

[[Image: cross section drawing of a "U" shaped vessel (A B C D) with one horizontal line E F with two vertical lines I L and K H drawn from E F to the bottom of the vessel B C; and another horizontal line slightly above it labeled on the right G and arced line from K to G]]

force ye last, and elevate ye water towards I K and in ye same time ye superior surface G K being steep, ye water shall run fro G towards I; and for ye same reason ye water E B L I shall be also elevated; and at last after many motions ye surface of ye water shall be even.

  From thence may be explained that wch happens in standing water L M, when there is cast M N, for ye stone making ye water rise about it in a circular wave whereof O and P represent ye elevation, it cannot remain in that position, but ye part O will run towards L, and in running it will push and elevate ye neighboring water [[strikethrough]]?[[/strikethrough]] R, which will push and elevate ye next, so that it will seem that ye water raised in O is advanced unto L. Ye same thing will happen to ye P, and by that means it will make a circular wave wch shall be removed from ye point N enlarging it self to ye banks L and M, if ye are not remote and thence being reflected, it shall make a new circular wave, wch shall advance from both sides towards N, and shall increase in circumference diminished in hight till all ye upper part of ye water be even.

Transcription Notes:
mandc: Upper case D looks like a regular shaped D with a small loop at the top which make it look like a lower case cursive "b." For clearer diagram see