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Height of the Spout | Height of the Reservatory
5 foot | 5 foot 1 inch
10 | 10 4
15 | 15 9
20 | 20 16
25 | 25 25
30 | 30 36 or 33 foot
35 | 35 49
40 | 40 64
45 | 45 81
50 | 50 100
55 | 55 121
60 | 60 144 or 72 foot
65 | 65 169
70 | 70 196
75 | 75 225
80 | 80 256
85 | 85 289
90 | 90 324 or 117 foot
95 | 95 361
100 | 100 400

  So that a spout of 30 foot will have a reservatory of 33 foot;  that of 60 72 foot, that of 90 117 foot, that of 100 133 foot 2/3, that of 120 [[?16d]] foot:  Ye Table is made no longer because it is not ordinary to make a reservatory of 168 foot;  and a spout of 120 foot would dissipate its selfe by its violence into small unperceivable drops, as those of mists ye pipes may be broke; and when ye pipes are straight or that ye lock we turn to let ye water out at is much straighter than ye rest of ye pipe ye small spouts will faill more than according to this measure, and then there goeth out less water than in proportion to ye height of ye reservatorys.

  We shall then calculate ye expense of ye water according to ye heights of ye reservatorys to wch ye height of ye spouts agree as if a reservatory of 30 foot give a spout but of 20 foot by reason of ye hinderance of it conduit or of other things, then we must calculate expence of ye water as if the reservatory was at 21 foot 4 inches, with a largeness of conduit sufficient

  To know ye diminution of ye heights more than according this rule when ye holes are small I have made ye following experiments.

  The spout thrô one line at a pipe of 4 1/2 foot wanted near 6 inches.

  At a pipe of 14 foot it wanted 3 foot.

  At one of 27 it wanted about 8 foot;  wch shews that ye straight spouts spout not to their true height:

  To know without calculation ye height of ye spouts, we must have a ball of lead and of wood each of 5 lines diameter and cast them with ye same force on heigh:  If that of ye lead is elevated to 27 feet and that of ye wood to 24 foot 1/2 that shall be a mark that a reservatory of 27 foot shall make its spout but 27 1/2 foot thrô a hole of 5 lines;  for altho ye ball of wood be lighter than the water, ye lead is also a little retarded by ye air;  and if we cast ye same ball with a small ball of wood of one line, and that ye lead goeth 14 foot and ye little ball 11, that shall be a mark that a spout thrô a line a reservatory of 14 foot will mount but to 11 foot:

  To confirm this rule I have made these other experiments following.

Transcription Notes:
mandc: [[?16d]] should be "168."