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circular give 14 pints in a minute, ye squares will give a quantity wch shall be to 14 as 14 to 11 wch proportion of 14 to 11 is near that of a square, to a circle of ye same largeness.  If therefore a round inch gives 14 pints in one minute a square inch will give somewhat less than 28 pints:  for 11 is to 14 as 14 to 17 9/11;  we must therefore divide E F into 14 equal parts, and if E R contains 11 to these parts ye long square E R S H shall be near equall to a circular inch, and will give an inch that is 14 pints in a minute, if the water of ye vessel wch serves for ye gage remains at ye height C D.  We made afterwards many holes equal to E R S H under ye same line E N as R L T G, L M V T &c and if we would give 1/2 inch, we must divide one of these long squares, as O Q I G into half by ye line X Y and each half will give 1/2 inch that is 7 pints in a minute, and in all other divisions after ye same manner by takeing 1/3 as I K Z Q or 1/2 &c. there will be also this advantage that if the water wch furnisheth ye running decreaseth, and that in running it falls but ye third or 1/2 or 2/3 of ye height of the holes in proportion wch cannot be done when ye holes are round;  and if there is somewhat more rubbing in proportion in ye small holes than in ye greater that shall be recompensed by ye waters succeeding better in a small running than in a great:   If we would give 3 or 4 inches we must take three or four entire holes each equal to E R S H as E H V M for 3, but we must seperate ye holes a little when we give but an inch to each particular, for their waters would be mixed.  If there was but 2 or 3 lines between tem, ye entry of each pipe must be large enough to receive ye water of each division.

  See how we may distribute a source in a town to many particular
  I supose that ye fountain gives 40 inches of water in summer and 50 in [[?winter]], and 45 at other times;  we must make many reservatorys as F G H I wherein ye water is discharged

  In ye first wch shall be ye greatest we must permit ye water to rise to a certain height as A B where we must make a passage for ye water to run further, and make holes thrô wch we would make ye first distribution as C, D, E a foot below A B these three holes may be great enough together to let pass 20 inches and the 25 inches remaining may pass above A B.

[[image:  Three dimensional drawing of a cube F G H I, with three square holes C D E near the bottom, and a line A B front to back about 1/4th of the way down the right face of the cube.]]

It is evident that when ye water shall be strongest ye elevation of ye running water shall be greater above A B and when weaker less;  but shall not be above an inch more:  So that when ye water wch enters into ye reservatory shall be 50 inches, there will pass thrô about 20 1/2 inches thrô ye 3 holes, and there will pass near 19 1/2 when it gives but 40 inches, we shall make ye same in regard of ye water wch will pass above A B as that below, and shall make small reservatory in some other part of ye town whence we may distribute to particulars ye 25 inches and ye 20 inches observeing always to make ye holes 12 inches or at least 10 inches below A B.  Lastly it will happen that in great waters there will remain 5 or 6 inches of water wch shall be given to ye publick in some place less frequented for some uses, and that water will last but while ye waters are great, wch we shall observe also in ye [[strikethrough]] an [[/strikethrough]] other conduits C D E, for it will have always some remaining wch should be for ye profit of ye town by making provision or stores of water wch are preserved a long time without ye entring of any new, and wch are repared from time to time, ye rest shall be always distributed of 45 inches, except they are sometimes a little less and sometimes a little more:

Transcription Notes:
mandc: Reviewed and amended image description. Changed J's to I's, added omitted line. Image: