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[[underlined]] Cough Mixture [[/underlined]]
[[Rx symbol]]
Vini Ipecac | [[Ounces symbol]] i
Tinct Opii Camph | [[Ounces symbol]] fs
[[ditto for "Tinct"]] Camphorae | [[Dram symbol]] i
Aqua Purae aa | [[Ounces symbol]] iv
[[strikethrough]] [[ M or Nt]] [[/strikethrough]]
Sig Teaspoonful three times a day.
[[red line]]

Cough Mixture Dr Cox
[[Rx symbol]]
Syr Scillae [[?Mas]]
Syr Senegae aa [[Ounces symbol]] i
Viri Antimonii [[Ounces symbol]] fs
Tinct Opii Camph [[Dram symbol]] ij
[[strikethrough]] [[?M or Nt]] [[/strikethrough]]
[[red line]]

Cough Mixture
[[Rx symbol]]
Morph Sulph grs iij
Potass Iodid [[dram symbol]] i
Vin Antiemonii [[dram symbol]] i
Glycerin [[?opt]]
Syr Tolutani aa [[ounce symbol]] ij
[[left margin]]Dr Grosvenor
[[/left margin]] [[strikethrough]] M [[/strikethough]] [[Stamp: DSI]]

Transcription Notes:
Quantities were written in lower case Roman Numerals: i = 1; ii or ij = 2; xii = 12; etc. "fs" means one-half.