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Mixture for Gonorheae
Dr. Warren
[[Rx symbol]]
Coparia | [[Ounce symbol]] 1
Ol Cribebae | [[Dram symbol]]
Tr Opii | [[Dram symbol]] i
Mucil Acaciae | [[Ounce symbol ]] ij
Spts Aeth Nit | [[Ounce symbol]] "ss"
Spts Larand Co | [[Dram symbol]] iij
Aqua Camph ([[Ounce symbol]] iv) [[Ounce symbol i ??smudged]]
Saccharum | [[Dram symbol]] ij
Ol Gauttheriae | gtts X
[[?Nt]] ft Mist
Sig: Tablespoonful three or four times a day.

[[Rx symbol]]
Copaibae [[Ounce symbol]] i]
Pulv Cubebae [[Ounce symbol]] ij
Ol Menth Pip gtts XXX
Signa. Dose a peice as large as a nutmeg twice a day.

Transcription Notes:
"ss" means one-half. "iij" is three. "gtts" means drops.