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Beef, Wine & Iron
[[preprinted]] [[double line]] [[/preprinted]]
Oleum Auranti gtts 25
Alcohol {ounce symbol]] viii
Magnesia Carb [[ounce symbol]] ii
Syrup Simp [[ounce symbol]] x
Sherry wine [[ounce symbol 65
Ferro Ammo Cit [[dram symbol]] v-grs
Ext Beef (Liebig's) [[ounce symbol]] ijfs

Add the oil to the Magnesia. the Alcohol to the wine. and filter the whole slowly, through the Magnesia. then add the Syrup. - Solve the Ext of Beef in the wine and syrup. Then dissolve the Iron in hot water, (a little as possible) and add that. then add Wine enough to make 5 pts.

[[red line]]

Aqua Rosae
Al Roase glts Viii
Magnis Carb [[?]] 1/1
Aqua [[?]]
M et filter 

Transcription Notes:
ijfs = two and one-half. fs is archaic script for ss. Add the oil to the Magneisia. The Alcohol to the wine, and filter the whoe slowly, through the Magnesia, thenh add the Syrup. - solve the Ext of Bee in the wine and syrup. Then dissolve the iron in hot water. (as little as possible) and add that, then add Wine enough to make 5 pts.