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Elix Pyrophos[[?Ferri (W.F.S.)
[[preprinted double blue line)
[[?ferri]] Pyrophos gns 256
Aqua Dist [[ounce symbol]] i
Simp Elix [[ounce symbol]] xv
[[unknown symbol - instruction?]]
[[red line]]
Bitter wine of Iron (W.F.S.)
Ferri et Quinia Cit gns 128
Spts Aranti [[dram symbol]] ii
Syrup Simp [[ounce symbol]] iv
Sherry Wine [[ounce symbol]] xii
[[unknown symbol - instruction?]]
[[red line]]
S[[unknown symbol - instruction?]
Simple Elixir
Spts Auranti [[dram symbol]] ii
Cinnam m x
Alcohol [[ounce symbol]] iv
Syr Simp
Aqua  aa [[ounce symbol]] vi
[[red line]]
Simple Elixir (Red) W.F.S.
Simple Elix [[ounce symbol]] xv 1/2
Tr Cochinial Comp [[ounce symbol]] fs
[[unknown symbol - instruction?]]