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Syrup Tolu.
[[preprinted line]]
[[preprinted double line]]
Bals Tolu [[dram symbol]] x
Finest Loaf Sugar lbs ij
Aqua [[ounce symbol]] x
Triturate the Bals Tolu with 8[[ounce symbol]] Sugar then add the Aqua
put in a bottle and macerate 48 hours with occasional agitation. then filter
Crush. [[underline]](not powder) [[/underline]] the remainder of the sugar. place it in a percolator. and run the filtrate through.
Druggists Circular May 1887

Hop Beer
Hops 3/4 to 1 lb
Malt lbs 5.
Water 15 galls
Mollasses 1 gal
Sugar 2 cupfulls
Yeast 1 qt.
Yolks of 4 eggs

Transcription Notes:
Tolu is a type of balsam. Druggists Circular is online.