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medals illustrative of American history from the earliest Colonial [[strikethrough]] events [[/strikethrough]] period, through [[strikethrough]] recent years, and commemorative [[/strikethrough]] the Revolutionary War, to events of recent years [[strikethrough]] and medals comparative [[/strikethrough]] collegiate and ecclesiastical medals, [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] and medals in memory of eminent Americans, (3) metallic money of the Colonies [[strikethrough]] [[?]] the United States [[/strikethrough]] prior to the establishment of the United States Mint. (4) [[strikethrough]] Paper [[/strikethrough]] American [[strikethrough]] money [[/strikethrough]] Colonial and Continental paper money, and paper money issued by [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethough]] State and private banks and by merchants [[strikethrough]] for [[/strikethrough]] (5) Series of early maps illustrating the development of [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] geographical knowledge of America and of the territorial growth of the United States. (6) About two hundred