Viewing page 13 of 66

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A carpet of yellow, blue, pink, orange 
Timber on stream
[[underlined]] Wharton [[/underlined]]
[[underlined]] Colorado R. [[/underlined]]
Bottoms, timber, 3 mi.
Prairie again
[[underlined]] Mackay [[/underlined]]
Prairie, no mounds & no Geomys
[[underlined]] Pierce [[/underlined]]
Prairie - boundless, gold & green but for little dabs of civilization 

[[underlined]] El Campo [[/underlined]]
Prairie - level, only grass
4 mi. mounds, Geomys in one spot only
[[underlined]] Hillja [[/underlined]] no station

[[underlined]] Louise [[/underlined]] - a change [[bracket encapsulating next 3 lines]]
stunted trees by river
Live oaks
dry soil, sandy loam

[[underlined]] Tonado [[/underlined]] - prairie - sandy mounds & Geomys in one field only.
[[underlined]] Navadad R. [[/underlined]]
narrow timber strip

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

a few mounds & Geomys hills in narrow strip.
[[underlined]] Edna [[/underlined]] Quiscalus macroura
creek. live oak woods
sandy. Geomys abn.
river & scrub oak
[[underlined]] Inez [[/underlined]] Aransas Cr.
Geomys & mounds in places
Wesatch prairie

[[underlined]] Victoria [[/underlined]]
Quiscalus macroura
Prosopis juliflora,  com
Cherokee rose  " [[Ditto for: com]]
Lepus merriami 2
Tyrannus tyrannus
all level prairie,
2 mounds & Geomys on both
[[underlined]] Placedo [[/underlined]]
Pinnated grouse 6
Milvolus forficatus 
Icterus spurius 
Ardea candidissima
[[Jacea?]] 1
Bartramia, abn
Zenaidura " [[Ditto for: abn]]

Transcription Notes:
Checked species, kept Vernon's spelling, anything I'm unsure of is in [[?]]. [[Iaceara?]] is just a plain guess. I have absolutely no idea! Had another look at it and this it may possibly be Jacea ie -@siobhanleachman Bracket on page one from stunted trees to dry soil