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[[strikethrough]] [[underlined]] 20. [[/underlined]] [[/strikethrough]] 108. [[checkmark]] L. sp. [[female symbol]] Clonegal, CW. 9.8.1929.
L. ? punctiventris Thu. Have no material for comparison at hand.

[[strikethrough]] [[underlined]] 21. [[/underlined]] [[/strikethrough]] 109. [[checkmark]] L. sp.? Very small [[female symbol]]. Sand dunes, Portrane, DU. 31.8.1928. 
Unknown to me. Antennae broken, due to the short needle.

[[strikethrough]] [[underlined]] 22. [[/underlined]] [[/strikethrough]] 110. [[checkmark]] L. sp. ? [[male symbol]] Taken with No. 21! Looks like a small [[underlined]] L. errabanda [[/underlined]]?
Sculpture of abd. much smoother than in errabunda. May belong to Nr. 21.

[[strikethrough]] [[underlined]] 23. [[/underlined]] [[/strikethrough]] 111. [[checkmark]] L. sp.? [[male symbol]] with elongate abdominal segment. Meeting of the Waters, WI. 23.7.1927.
May be a small & dark L. clypeator Gr. (commixta Hgn).

[[strikethrough]] [[underlined]] 24. [[/underlined]] [[/strikethrough]] 112. [[checkmark]] [[underlined]] Exetastes [[/underlined]] sp. ? [[female symbol]]. (? var. of [[underlined]] E. guttatorius [[/underlined]] with black scutellum) Kildavin, CW. 9.8.1929.
E. illusor Cr. [[female symbol]] var pedibus nigris. Aut. thinner than in adpressorius Thunb.

[[strikethrough]] [[underlined]] 25. [[/underlined]] [[/strikethrough]] 113. [[checkmark]] [[underlined]] E. fonicator [[/underlined]] [[strikethrough]] (?) [[/strikethrough]] [[female symbol]]. Mt. Butter, NT. 17.8.1927.

[[strikethrough]] [[underlined]] 26. [[/underlined]] [[/strikethrough]] 114. [[checkmark]] [[underlined]] Banchus pictus [[/underlined]] [[male symbol]] Meeting of the Waters, WI. 25.3.1928.
B. crefeldensis Ulbr. [[male symbl]]. The northernmost locality known (A. Seyrig has described the [[female symbol]])

[[strikethrough]] [[underlined]] 27. [[/underlined]] [[/strikethrough]] 115. [[checkmark]] [[underlined]] B. volutatorius [[/underlined]] [[male symbol]] Cahore, Wx. 21.7.1929.
Correct, [[male symbol]].

[[strikethrough]] [[underlined]] 28. [[/underlined]] [[/strikethrough]] 116. [[checkmark]] [[underlined]] B. moniliatus. [[/underlined]] Ballgoogle, WA. 27.7.1928.
B. volutatorius . [[female symbol]]

[[strikethrough]] [[underlined]] 29. [[/underlined]] [[/strikethrough]] 117. [[checkmark]] B. sp.? (? [[underlined]] compressus [[/underlined]]). Powerscourt, WI. 19.6.1925.
B. femoralis Thu [[male symbol]].