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[[preprinted]] 4, THURLESTONE ROAD, NEWTON ABBOT, DEVON. [[/preprinted]]
[[underlined]] 2.X.30 [[/underlined]]

Dear Stelfox,
I sent you a P.C. to-night before posttime to correct an item in the list of spp. I had sent previously.
Your vy flat larva on Alnus is that of [[underlined]] Platycampus luridiventris. [[/underlined]]  Pamphilius larvae are vy different.  Those I have seen here only the 3 pair of true legs - no prolegs on abd. segs - & live either in tubes or cases made of leaves or else gregarious in webs - queer beast, almost repulsive.  Your other less flat larvae are one or two species of [[underlined]]  Nematinus. [[/underlined]]  I have bred the two commoner ones of the 3 on Alder, & also the one on birch, [[insertion]] (= N. [[underlined]] acuminatus [[/underlined]]) [[/insertion]] the larva of which being black or sooty & not as Enslin's book describes it, puzzled me for a season or two before I got the imago.  [I sent you [[2 male symbols]] of this caught by John this year]  The nearly all green, & not gaudy, larva on alder of the form of [[underlined]] septentrionalis [[/underlined]] is [[underlined]] varus [[/underlined]] as you suggest.  [[underlined]] Mem. [[/underlined]]  If you can breed the [[underlined]] black [[/underlined]] Croesus larva of birch, please send me a [[female symbol]] or two.  
I only bred the 6 [[male symbols]] from those you sent me a year or two ago.  There are also a number of common [[underlined]] Tenthredinini [[/underlined]] larvae on alder - things like [[underlined]] Rhogogaster viridis [[/underlined]] - but I have never tried to breed these.
Your pink-striped thin larva on Salix is pretty sure to be [[underlined]] Pteronidea curtispina [[/underlined]] & your white waxy one on alder may be 

Transcription Notes:
@siobhanleachman - reviewed and managed to work out some of the [[?]].