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[[preprinted]] 4, THURLESTONE ROAD, NEWTON ABBOT, DEVON. [[/preprinted]]

[[underlined]] Empria pulverata [[/underlined]] unless it is a vy young [[underlined]] Cimbex [[/underlined]] or [[underlined]] Trichiosoma [[//underlined]] some spp. of which I believe are two seasons in larval state.  
We have really had almost unspeakable weather this September, & August, except for that super-tropical spell of a few days, was as bad.  When the last bad spell of weather began in September, i.e. when we still had some sun & warmth [[insertion]] ^ occasionally [[/insertion]] our 2nd brood of [[underlined]] Pieris  brassicae [[/underlined]] were fresh & abundant about the house:  since then apparently every one has been killed & there is not an egg or larvae to be found on the cabbages in the garden next to ours, where usually there are any quantity.  I should think it will be as rare as a 'Camberwell beauty' next spring!
I am even beginning to doubt whether I shall get to the [[underlined]] Halictus angusticeps [[/underlined]] locality - 3 hours each way! - to dig out [[2 female symbols]] this year.  I may trust to the chance of going there next April & catching them abroad.
Yours truly
R.C.L. Perkins.

Transcription Notes:
@siobhanleachman - reviewed, species checked via . Managed to solve some of the [[?]]