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15.7-30 cont.  Rain commenced at 12.45 & getting heavier as day advance had not ceased at 11 pm.  At 5.30pm. after heaviest rain saw [[underlined]] Apis mellifera [[/underlined]] [[2 virgin female symbols]] entering hole in ash tree on coast road N. of Ferrybank, where first noticed in 1926!

[[line across page]]

16th July 1930.  Storm continues.  More or less dull & raining all morning:  during one blink of sun I took 1 [[male symbol]] 2 [[2 female symbols]] [[underlined]] Colletes picistigma [[/underlined]] on Thyme in hollow [[insertion]] ^ of dunes [[/underlined]] S. of Merton gate, where I also saw a [[male symbol]] [[underlined]] Megachile maritima [[/underlined]].  
Fine in afternoon, but very windy & no sun.

[[line across page]]

17th July 1930.  Clearing!  A fine morning along coast:  "fair" inland.  Drove to sandhills at Kilgorman, Co. WX 11 [[insertion]] AM. [[/insertion]] till 1pm.
[[underlined]] Bombus lucorum, agrorum & lapidarius [[/underlined]] [[2 female symbols]]
Some [[2 male symbols]] [[underlined]] lucorum [[/underlined]] also seen.
[[underlined]] Halictus villosulus [[/underlined]] [[2 female symbols]] in dunes [[strikethrough]] S. [[/strikethrough]] N. of road.
[[underlined]] Pompilus pectinipes [[/underlined]] [[female symbol]] in usual spot N. of road.
[[underlined]] P. gibbus [[/underlined]] [[female symbol]] on carrot by stream at foot of road.
[[underlined]] P. plumbeus [[/underlined]] common.
[[underlined]] Ceropales maculatus [[/underlined]] common.

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17.7.30 cont.  Kilgorman, WX. cont.
[[underlined]] Salius exaltatus [[/underlined]] [[2 male symbols]] & [[female symbol]].
[[underlined]] Mellinus arvensis [[/underlined]] seen by stream.
[[underlined]] Crabro wesmaeli [[/underlined]] common.
[[underlined]] Megachile maritima [[/underlined]] [[female symbol]] taken & another seen by stream carrying piece of leaf (? [[strikethrough]] part [[/strikethrough]] piece of Salix leaf!)

Some icks taken:  mostly on carrot by stream.
[[underlined]] Lissonota parallela [[/underlined]] [[2 male symbols]] common.
L.   [[female symbol]] on spurge N. of road.
Glypta ceratites [[female symbol]] ??

[[line across page]]

17.7.30  Aft.  Drove to Dublin.  
Stopped at Ballyhenry quarry for a few minutes.
[[underlined]] Bombus distinguendus [[/underlined]] [[male symbol]] or fresh [[virgin female symbol]] seen on brambles.
[[underlined]] Vespa norvegica [[/underlined]] [[male symbol]] on bramble:  1st [[male symbol]] seen 1930.
[[strikethrough]] [[underlined]] Lissonota bellator [[/underlined]] [[/strikethrough]]
[[underlined]] Pristiphora pallidiventris [[/underlined]], a black [[female symbol]] [[checkmark]] RCLP.

Also a couple of icks. & small braconids taken in motor between Arklow & Ballyhenry!

Transcription Notes:
Reviewed. Minor correction. Should be OK. @kdownunder