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14th December 1930. A very cold day with heavy, shower about 11.30 AM., after a couple of cold stormy & wet days.
Drove via Phoenix Park to Lucan & Lorne, Co. Du.
Stopped at the "Furry Glen" in the park, where some good ivy still in flower on old thorn trees, but only one clump yield hymenoptera : namely, [[underlined]] [[Stenomaom?]] ventralis [[/underlined]] 2[[2 female symbols]], 1 Proctatrypid [[female symbol]] & many [[underlined]] Dacnusa areolaris [[/underlined]] (? all [[2 female symbols]]). Too early, windy & cold!
Then drove on beyond Knockmaroon & worked the east end of Luttrellstown wood (Woodlands), where in one "beat" from ivy in kind of old quarry I had many many dozen if not some hundreds of [[underlined]] Dacnusa [[/underlined]] on the tray : and only 1 [[underlined]] Stenomacrus ventralis [[/underlined]] nothing else seen & none taken from this place, but the place might pay in summer!

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21st December 1930. A nice day after a slight frost at night, but rather dull. Drove to the [[strikethrough]] coll [[/strikethrough]] col between "[[Carrigolipher?]]" & The Scalp, Co. Dublin.
Beat ivy blossom in lane behind Kingston Lodge (= 1) & on S. side of the col above Ballyman (= 2).
[[underlined]] Dacnusa [[/underlined]] [[female symbol]], [[underlined]] Stenomacrus [[/underlined]] [[female symbol]] & [[Hemitalus?]] ?? [[female symbol]] at 1
Bracon stabilis ? [[female symbol]] & Chalcid at 2.

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