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[[overwritten]] 4th [[/overwritten]] 3rd April (Good Friday) 1931. A dry cold day with strong N. wind & very occasional sun bursts, after a dreadful week of six wet days & via almost wet nights (cold, sleet, snow in mountains, & great floods everywhere) which completely killed off all the bees tempted out previously.
Drove to Ballyhenry quarry, Co. WI. 11.30 till 12.30
[[underlined]] Andrena apicata [[/underlined]] one or two [[2 male symbols]] seen & possibly one [[female symbol]].
[[underlined]] A. clarkella [[/underlined]] several [[2 female symbols]] running on stones, &c.
[[underlined]] Bombus terrestris [[/underlined]] 1 dead [[female symbol]] clinging to gorse!
Then drove on to meeting of the Waters, Avoca, WI & stayed till 3.30 : very cold here & practically no sun. [[strikethrough]] Saw [[/strikethrough]] Took two [[underlined]] Andrean apicata pracaeox [[/underlined]] } 1 [[male symbol]] of each [[strikethrough]] [[2 male symbols]] [[/strikethrough]] on [[female symobl]] willow in ry. cutting below Castle Howard.
Collected several old [[underlined]] Trichiosoma lucorum [[/underlined]] cocoons on birch at same place, two of which had very tiny holes in them, unlike those made by any parasite I have experience of. 
On way home stopped & examined very good ground in channel on south side of Carrick Mt. near the "water splash" between Ashford & Glenealy!

Willow Warbler in Ballyhenry Alder grouse; Sand Martin (1) hawking over [[crier?]] below Meeting of the Waters; Wood anemone & W. Sorrel just out below Castle Howard.

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9th April 1931. A glorious day. 
Left motor at Greystone 10.30 AM & walked round Bray Head to Bray.
Along old railway S. of Bray Head saw a few aculeatus on Coltsfoot, Dandelion & Daisy : & in gully at commencement of old path river near head on [[female symbol]] Salix.
[[underlined]] Bombus lucorum [[/underlined]] [[2 female symbols]], [[underlined]] B. jonellus [[/underlined]] [[2 female symbols]] on Cotsfoot.
[[underlined]] B. agrorum [[/underlined]] [[2 female symbols]].
[[underlined]] Andrena nigroaenea [[/underlined]] 1 [[male symbol]]. [[underlined]] A. minutule [[/underlined]] [[checkmark]] [[overwritten]] ? [[/overwritten]] ! 1 [[male symbol]] 

[[underlined]] Lissonota [[overwritten]] ?? sp ? [[/overwritten]]  carbonaria [[/underlined]] [[male symbol]] on Salix, 1 [[male symbol]].
This [[male symbol]] agrees in all respects, except the black base of coxae, with the [[female symbol]] A.W.S. 22.8.1931.

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9th - 10th April 1931. Crossed via Liverpool to Berkhamsted, Herts to stay with Charles Oldham.

Transcription Notes:
Checked the date of Good Friday 1931 and it is Friday the 3rd. -@siobhanleachman