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Det: M.T. Stieber 
May 12   2432
Ichnanthes bambusiflorus (Trin) Doell

Mun. do Andari, estrade para Itaite, 11 km. S of Andarai city

In dense cerrodo or low tree forest with bamboo (Temare serlicilloto is dominant) Under or mixed with [[strikethrough]] [[?]] in the bamboo and other plant In semi shaded flores growing near the pilore form. Is it the same?

FAA: 1 vial leaves & flowers.

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K.MO.NY.P.LE.B.F.     2433
Bamboo (Gueduse)

Municipio do Andarai Estrada para Itaite [[blank space]] km. S of Andaral city.

Alt: 360 m.

A more or less small patch of Guedre in rather tall dense and dry forest or tall cerrodo forest in the sandy soil.  [[strikethrough]] form [[/strikethrough]] and rocks
Form a +/- dense clum with culms rather close to each other