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2. Name, in the order of their importance, the accessions of the year which deserve [[underlined]] special notice, [[underlined]] and state in each case whether given, lent, received in exchange or purchased.

The most important accessions were
1. - Collection of ^[[the]] coinage of the Chinese Empire from 770 B.C. to date comprising 2025 pieces in gold, silver, and bronze, [[strikethrough]] besides [[/strikethrough]] governmental and private notes, amulets [[strikethrough]] or such and [[/strikethrough]] or religious medals, and bamboo tallies.  This collection was bequeathed to the Smithsonian Institution by Mr. G.B. Glover an American gentleman connected for many years with the Maritime Customer Service of China.  It is believed to be the most complete series of Chinese money in the world.
2. - Collection of bronze medals of allthe sovereigns of France comprising 75 pieces all in perfect condition purchases of S.F. Kunz.
[[Strikethrough]]3. - Collection of copies of antique gems made in the 18th century, the gift of [[\strikethrough]][[Strikethrough]] 230 antique tassie pastes of 230 specimens, the [[Strikethrough]]gift of[[\Strikethrough]] [[Strikethrough]]purchase of S.F. Kunz.[[\Strikethrough]]