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[[3.- Collection of ceramics illustrating American history, consisting of 204 plates and pitchers, [[strikethrough]]with[[\strikethrough]] bearing representations of historic buildings, deposited by Mrs. Alys Bates Van Deusen [[Densen??]]Hartford Conn. 
4. - Collection of relics of the Revolutionary War deposited by the Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution.
5. - ^[[added Dec,98 [[95??]] ]]Gold medal, gold snuff box, and sword, presented to General Jacob Brown for service in the War of 1812. Deposited by Wm [[?]] Du Val Brown Wash D.C.
6. - Sword presented to General Gabriel R. Paul by his command. Deposited by [[strikethrough]]Mrs. Gabriel R. Paul[[\strikethrough]] Col. Augustus C. Paul [[??]]
7. - [[Strikethrough][] The Moultrie flag [[\Strikethrough]]The garrison flag of Fort Moultrie
8. - Collection of 37 specimens of Greek imperial silver coins the gift of Dr. A.F. Ferrges.