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presumably the various gallery works, etc., belonging to it, which, if added to the present collections of the section would considerable increase their interest. The prints in question ought, however, to be taken out of the volumes into which they have been packed, and ought to be carefully examined and mounted on separate sheets, so that they can be classified scientifically. As at present arranged, these volumes are not much more than picture books for the gratification of idle curiosity. 

In a print collection, the property of the people of the United States, Americana ought, as a matter of course, to receive the fullest share of attention. It has been my constant endeavor, as before stated, to give due prominence to American art in the collection in my charge, and in these efforts I have been liberally seconded by artists, publishers, and others. But again, by mere reliance upon gifts, the aim to be followed cannot be reached, and this aim ought to be nothing less than to make the division of Americana the first of its kind among the institutions of the United States, so that all investigators will in future turn to it, 

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