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^[[ [[underlined]] Entered Acknowledged. copied [[/underlined]] 9-26]]

Prof. G. Brown Goode
Assist Secr. Smithsonian Institution
Washington, D.C.

Dear Sir,

I beg leave herewith to submit my report for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1890.

The rearrangement of the collections of the Section of Graphic Arts which was alluded to as impending in my last report, has been carried out. The details of this arrangement are set forth on the leaflet printed for the information of visitors to the Museum ^[[here reprinted]] [[strikethrough]] and which is appended to this report. (See exhibit A: "Classification of Exhibits in the Section of Graphic Art" [[/strikethrough]]

[[symbol for paragraph]] A beginning has also been made with the labelling of the collections, but the greater part of the manuscript for labels sent in thus far is still in the hands of the printers. The collection of patents relating to the graphic arts is in the same condition in which it was a year ago, both time and money having been wanting to carry it on towards completion