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[[strikethrough double underlined]] Exhibit B. [[/strikethrough double underlined]]

^[[during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1890]]

[[triple underlined]] List of Accessions. [[strikethrough]] July 1, 1889 - June 30, 1890 [[/strikethrough]] [[/triple underlined]]

[[strikethrough double underlined]] Donations [[/strikethrough double underlined]]

^[[Acquired by Gift.]]

[[underlined]] Andrew, John & Son, [[/underlined]] Boston, Mass.
2 wood engravings executed in the establishment of the donors. 3240-41.

[[underlined]] Avery, S. G., [[/underlined]] New York, N.Y.
Collection of etchings, lithographs & Groeide[?] Comte prints. 3007-3022, 3234
Catalogue, "Atelier Jules Dupré." Paris: 1890.
Illust. 3268

[[underlined]] Bencke, H., Lithogr. Co., [[/underlined]] New York.
Half-tone photolithographs etc., executed in the establishment of the donors. 2945-54.

[[underlined]] Berger & Wirth, [[/underlined]] New York.
Specimen of prepared zinc for zincography. 3109

[[underlined]] Buehring, Fred., [[/underlined]] New York.
Lithographers' and Photographers' Directory for 1889. 2895