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[[underlined]] Chandler, Prof. C. F., [[/underlined]] New York, N.Y.
Collection of prints by various photomechanical processes. 2900-2929

[[underlined]] Chapman, J. Linton, [[/underlined]] Brooklyn, N.Y.
specimens of woodengravings, glyphography and medal-ruling. 3235-39.

[[underlined]] Cincinnati Museum Association, [[/underlined]]
Cincinnati, O.
Drawings by pupils of the Art Academy of Cincinnati, in charcoal, crayon, pencil, pen-and-ink, sepia, and watercolors. 3026-45.

[[underlined]] Day, Benjamin, [[/underlined]] New York, N.Y.
Specimens of pasting tints manufactured by the donor. 3244

[[underlined]] Devoe, F. W. & Co., [[/underlined]] New York, N.Y.
Priced catalogue of artists' materials. 3107

[[underlined]] Fuchs & Lang, [[/underlined]] New York, N.Y.
One lot of catalogues, circulars, et[[?]]., of lithographic materials, et[[?]]. 3108

[[underlined]] Gutekunst, F. [[/underlined]] Philadelphia, Pa.
Specimens of collographic printing. 

Transcription Notes:
et[[?]] probably should be etc but doesn't look like it