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executed in the establishment of the donor. 3431-33

[[underlined]] Harvard University [[/underlined]] Cambridge, Mass. 
A bibliography of Hogarth. by Frank Weitenkampf. 3413

[[underlined]] Heliotype Printing Co., [[/underlined]] Boston, Mass.
Heliotypes and half-tone photolithographs, executed in the establishment of the donors. 2955-59; 3131-38; 3242-43

[[underlined]] Johnson, Charles Eneu, & Co., [[/underlined]] Philadelphia, Pa.
Collection of varnishes, oils, pigments, etc. illustrating the composition and making of printing inks. 3079-3104

[[underlined]] Juengling, F., [[/underlined]] New York, N.Y.
Engraved block, with electrotype, and impressions from it, illustrating the method of engraving on wood in intaglio 2959-61; 3023-24.

[[underlined]] Kimmel & Voigt, [[/underlined]] New York, N.Y.
Four impressions from a dry-ground aquatint plate. 3453-56
[[double underlined]] Over! [[/double underlined]]