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[[left margin]] [[circled]] 5 [[/circled]] 68-12 [[/left margin]] Road cut on Okla Hy 82, 1/4 mile south of junction with US 60. Mostly dark shale with think band of ls about 5' up. Chonctes and Inflatia. Above the thin ls is more black shale 8' ± capped by about one foot of limestone containing [[underlined]] Inflatia [[/underlined]] and Orthotetes. Outcrop in field above 0.15 mile W of road and 100 yards E of road. Sec 27-25N-21E. [[left margin]] 68-13 [[/left margin]] Large pit in hard massive coarse calcarenite, white to light gray with short bands up to 8". Large [[underlined]] Symigothyris [[/underlined]] and large productid seen. Fossils very scarce. Lithologically unlike Fayetteville and is probably an inlier of Boone. [[left margin]] 68-14 [[/left margin]] SW cor. 32-25N-21E. About 3 mi E and 2 miles S of Vinita. A variety of limestones from a water-filled pit. Diaphragmus common. Lower Fayetteville.