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July 19 Moved from Vinita to Muskogee. Reached Muskogee at lunch time- went out to Braggs Mtn section and worked on Fayetteville but were rained out. [[margin]] 68-20 [[/margin]] Fayetteville (lower), about SE1/4 NW1/4 21-15N-20E, on Okalahoma Hy 10, just above base of hill [[strikeout]]ac?[[strikeout]] about 75' on big loop of hy. up Braggs Mtn., Muskogee Co., Hulbert [square symbol]], Okla July 20 [[margin]] 68-21 [[/margin]] Spent day along Oklahoma Hy 10 Center N line of SW1/4 NW1/4 36-13N-20E [[strikeout]]one[[strikeout]] on branch of Cedar Creek, one mile NE of Cedar Creek School, about 3 miles NW of Gore, Webbers Falls [[square symbol]], Oklahoma [[margin]] 68-22 [[/margin]] Specimen in sandstone at bend of road on top of hill overlooking Greenleaf Lake on road about 0.2 mile N of SW cor 11-13N-20E, about 0.6 mile SW of bridge over Greenleaf Creek, Webbers Falls [[square symbol]], Okla. [[margin]] 68-23 [[/margin]] Upper Fayetteville, on Okla 10, at south end big loop of hy