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Camp, Mo, adjoining corners of sections 28, 29, 32, 33-43N-21W, Benton County Missouri.

[[left margin]]68-32[[/left margin]] Probably Kaysinger Bluff of Moore (called Kiesinger). South end of bluff forming a sharp point where overlook of Kaysinger Dam is located southwest of Warsaw, Benton Co. Missouri
Check topographic map.

[[left margin]] 68-33 [[/left margin]] South end of bluff with overlook of Kaysinger Dam but 30 or more feet below the preceding.

July 27

Left Sedalia arrived Pella, Ia about 1:30 PM. Went S of Pella and collected Pella beds from [[left margin]] 68-34 [[/left margin]] old quarry on line between secs. 34 and 35, 0.4 mile N of SE cor 34, 76N-18W, about 4 miles south of south side of Pella, Iowa.