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[[Start Page]]

[[preprinted]] January, WEDNESDAY, 6. 1897 [[/preprinted]]

Tempt + 11 [[degree symbol]] and Barometer 28.04 @ 7[[superscript]]3 [[/superscript]]/am
" [[dittos for Temp]] + 21 [[degree symbol]] " " [[Dittos for: and Barometer]] 28.20 @ 4 pm
" [[ditto for Tempt]] + 20 [[degree symbol]] " " [[Dittos for: and Barometer]] 28.25 @ 6 pm
Pleasant all day - Somewhat windy -

Both Collieries idle - L.V. is running cars, but as we had nearly enough in the breakers, to load our allotments, and to day being "Little Christmas" as the Poleanders term it - we decided to be idle, and start up tomorrow, which will finish for the week - The Poleanders celebrate this day, and very few of them came out to work -

Geo. Young came down to New Boston on the 10.42 am train, as requested by Mr. Jones, and together they inspected the workings of Vulcan Colliery [[&?]] on the maps -

The Inventory is not yet finished - Elmer is working at it to-day -

We have not yet received the tonnages for Dec. month. As soon as we do, we will get off Mr. Jones's annual report -

At Vulcan they are running through some condemned coal this forenoon -

Mr. Williams, the L.V. Inspector, was at Vulcan today, and went inside -

[[End Page]]
[[Start Page]]

[[preprinted]] January, THURSDAY, 7. 1897 [[/preprinted]]

Tempt + 18 [[degree symbol]] and Barometer 28.58 @ 7[[superscript]] 0 [[/superscript]]/a
" [[Ditto for: Tempt]] + 24 [[degree symbol]] " " [[Dittos for: and Barometer]] 28.61 @ 4.30 pm
" [[Ditto for: Tempt]] + 20 [[degree symbol]] " " [[Dittos for: and Barometer]] 28.64 @ 6 pm
Pleasant all day -

Both Collieries worked 9 hours -

Mr. Jones has changed the prices of coal, sold at mines - Heretofore, employees living at Vulcan & B Mtn, received Chestnut and Stove, at 2.50 per ton delivered, while at New Boston they have been charged 2.75 & 3.00 respectively ^[[(nut & stove)]] -  He has made the prices at V. & B Mtn the same, and has fixed the prices of coals, to individuals, at about the same, as the Collieries around Mahanoy City charge - For these charges, see list -

Vulcan is still keeping up its large hoists - 42 & 43 an hour every day - while sometimes it runs as high as 45 per hour -

B Mtn is doing fairly well, hoisting 40 per hour -

[[End Page]]

Transcription Notes:
Replaced degree symbol with words [[degree symbol]] as some symbols have difficulty being transferred correctly between systems when the file is made text searchable. -@siobhanleachman