Viewing page 19 of 203

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[[left-hand page]]
[[preprinted]] January,  SATURDAY, 30.  1897. [[/preprinted]]

Saturday Tempt +14[[degree symbol]] and Barometer 28.75 @ 7 AM
   "  " [[Dittos for:  Saturday Tempt]]  +22[[degree symbol]] " " [[Dittos for: and Barometer]] 28.83 @ 4 PM
Beautiful day - Sun shining brightly -

Both Collieries idle -  R. R. Co not running cars -

Nearly every body suspended -  At BMtn the water pipes that [[strikethrough]] that [[/strikethrough]] convey water to the Locomotive inside on the 1st Lift are frozen up-  Have men digging them up and have fires placed along them -

  Pay day - W A L & Bert at Vulcan
            Jim K & Pat   " [[Ditto for: at]] BMtn

  Everything quiet

  Mr. Jones was at Vulcan today - Harry Lattimore, Elmer, and Birzey met him there -  Will take up the question of heating the breaker there with the steam coming from the Jigs -

  Received 1600 ft 1 5/8" dia cast steel rope at Vulcan today, from John K. Roebling's Sons' Co. Trenton, N.J.

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[preprinted]] January,  SUNDAY, 31.  1897. [[/preprinted]] 
Tempt +16[[degree symbol]]  and Barometer 28.84 @ 7 3/a
  " [[Ditto for: Tempt]]  +22[[degree symbol]]  "  " [[Dittos for: and Barometer]] 28.58 @ 6 PM
Beautiful day

Transcription Notes:
I changed "Temps" to "Tempt". I think the final letter is the uncrossed terminal t common in 19th and early 20th century cursive handwriting. Compare to the final t in the word "not" in the phrase "R.R. Co not running cars". I also added the [[Dittos for: xxx]] used in other projects.--thomasc