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[[left-hand page]]
[[preprinted]] March, SUNDAY, 7. 1897. [[/preprinted]]

Very beautiful day -  Sun shining brightly all day -

Snow has almost departed -  Small patches here and there in corners and where sun cannot beam thereon  - 

[[End Page]]
[[Start Page]]

[[top margin note]] - Vulcan Steel Pea Coal Rolls 1st days work - [[/margin note]]

[[preprinted]] March. MONDAY, 8. 1897 [[/preprinted]]

Tempt +30[[degree symbol]] and Barometer 28.89 @ 7 [[superscript]] 3 [[/superscript]]/a
' [[Ditto for: Tempt]] +28 ' '[[Dittos for: and Barometer]] 28.67 @ 6 PM

Sky somewhat grayish and cloudy  - Sun well hidden all day  - otherwise pleasant  - 

Both Collieries worked 9 hours  - 
We will receive our 147 allotted cars for the week, for both Collieries in 2 days, although the R.R. Co will run cars 3 days -  Much better to run 2 days straight ahead than have broken time  - 

At Vulcan had 6 gms of Chestnut condemned today 2 East Side, and 4 from West -  East Side averages 5% slate & 7% Bone -  West side 4% slate & 6% Bone - We had very little condemned coal at Vulcan lately, but it is now getting back in the same old rut - 

Mr Jones has given orders that none of our bosses are to give out orders for any kind of material, and that everything ordered, must be accompanied by a written order from N. B. Office

Steel segments have been put on the Pea coal Rolls at Vulcan - Today is their first day to run - 

Transcription Notes:
Replacing degree symbol with [[degree symbol]] per reviewer notes on previous pages. Replaced "Sun" with "Snow" on first page.--thomasc