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[[preprinted]] March, TUESDAY, 9. 1897. [[/preprinted]]

Tempt +26[[degree symbol]] and Barometer 28.46 @ 7 [[superscript]] 3 [[/superscript]]/a

" [[Ditto for: Tempt]] +36[[degree symbol]] " " [[Dittos for: and Barometer]] 28.27 @ 6 PM

Foggy all day, particularly so this evening - can only see a short distance ahead -  Sun never came out today  Drizzling Rain this evening -

1-  Both Collieries worked 9 hours - Condemned 1 1/2 Cars of Nut today at Vulcan. This makes a total of 7 cars now standing at the Colliery - Will be reprepared tomorrow -

2-  The LV Coal Crew ran the empty cars through the 2 doors on Vulcan Breaker Car Road, and smashed them. They did the same thing a short time ago -  Mr Jones notified Geo. Brill at Delano, to caution his crews -

3-  Hoisted 225 Cars Coal this forenoon at "Vulcan"  
Buck Mountain only got up 179 Coal -

4-  We have sent out for bids, to build more houses at Buck Mountain

5-  Received our 3 days allotment during today and yesterday, and have loaded them all.  Collieries will now be idle until the next day the R.R. Co runs cars, which will be on Monday of next week probably -

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[[preprinted]] March,  WEDNESDAY, 10. 1897. [[/preprinted]]

Tempt +36[[degree symbol]] and Barometer 28.08 @ 7[[superscript]] 3 [[/superscript]]/A

[[Ditto for: Tempt]] +44[[degree symbol]] [[Dittos for: and Barometer]] 28.20 @ 6 PM

Foggy this morning - cleared up a little this PM - Sun came out about 1 oclock, now and then.  Clouds and sunshine - Pleasant this evening

Both Collieries idle today - R.R. Co. ran cars, but we received our allotment for today during last two days.  Ran through 7 1/2 Cars of Condemned Nut Coal at Vulcan today -

Getting out Rock at Both places - Have a large body of men working at both Collieries - general repairing -

Received bill of lading for Locomotive, [[insert]] (For Burton 3rd Lift) [[/insert]] from Shawnee Ohio, per the acct of A. S. Males & Co. to day -

In the East Top Split 'E.' Gangway at Vulcan we struck a roll about 7'8 feet thick - in bottom 18" Coal between roll and top bench - Have not been taking down the top bench, but now we will do so.  This gangw has about 250' yet to go to our own make line between V & B Mtn, so Mr Jones wants them to go through the fault -

Elmer examined the main frame work of Buck Mtn Breaker today, and the same needs tending to -  some of the posts, braces etc have been crushed, or moved etc., and we intend to remedy it soon - 

Transcription Notes:
Changed date in heading from 1 to 9.--thomasc