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[[preprinted]] March. MONDAY, 29. 1897. [[/preprinted]]

Tempt + 46 and Barometer 28.71 @ 7 [[superscript]] 3 [[/superscript]]/a
" [[Ditto for: Tempt]] + 48 " "  [Dittos for: and Barometer]] 28.62 @ 5 [[superscript]] 3 [[/superscript]]/p

Very very beautiful day - Warm & Pleasant

Both Collieries are idle - Nearly everybody suspended -

Mr. James Muir called this Am.

Mr. John Bedford, manager and part owner of J. C. Bright & Co's store at Lost Creek, was buried today at Pottsville. Died on Friday 26th, took sick in the store, and took him home, where he died very soon after - Apoplexy

Mr. Jones was at Pottsville to day to see Mr. Farquhar -

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[[preprinted]] March. TUESDAY, 30. 1897 [[/preprinted]]

1- Tempt + 50 [[degree symbol]] and Barometer 28.71 @ 8 AM
" [[Ditto for: Tempt]] + 58 [[degree symbol]] " " [[Dittos for: and Barometer]] 28.55 @ 4 PM
" [[Ditto for: Tempt]] + 56 [[degree symbol]] " " [[Dittos for: and Barometer]] 28.51 @ 6 PM
Very very superb day - Warm and pleasant - Like a cool summer's day - Birds singing sweetly this morning, making the morn more cheerful -

2 - Both Collieries idle - L.V. not running cars - Very few men working at either Colliery -

3 - Mr. Delano called up new Boston office to converse with Mr. Jones, by phone, from New York [[insertion]] Phila [[/insertion]] City, at 12.30 [[strikethrough]] pm [[/strikethrough]] noon - inrelation to [[underlined]] bargain [[/underlined]] with Danl Thomas of Morea - Could hear him very distinctly -

4  Tried to get Mr. Delano by phone yesterday, but failed -

4- The board of Directors of the Dodson Coal Co. convened today at Pottsville, relative to [[underlined]] 'Bargain [[/underlined]] of Daniel Thomas's.

5 - Mr. Daniel Thomas, supt of Morea Colliery, will leave the employ of the Dodson Coal Co. on March 31 - His successor is Mr. Elmer Evans, who at one time [[strikethrough]] here [[/strikethrough]] was assistant inside foreman here for Mr. Jones -

6- Harry Lattimore and his men are putting in heating pipes in the Vulcan breaker -  The steam discharged from the Jigs will be utilized to heat the breaker -