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[[preprinted]] April, SUNDAY, 4. 1897. [[/preprinted]]

Cold this morning - sun shining-

Cloudy this P.M.  rained a little - Chilly this evening - 

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[[preprinted]] April, MONDAY, 5. 1897. [[/preprinted]]

Tempt +54[[degrees symbol]] and Barometer 28.68 @ 7 [[superscript]] 3 [[/superscript]]/a
[[ditto marks for "Tempt"]] + 58 [[ditto marks for "and Barometer"]] 28.06 @ 6 PM

Foggy this morning - Cleared up and we had a beautiful day - Threatening Rain 5.30 PM -

Both Collieries idle - Run through 3 1/4 cars [[insert]] (nut) [[/insert]] condemned coal at Vulcan - Loaded out some coal, (not the same that was dumped twice) and condemned 1 3/4 cars nut -  This is standing at Breaker tonight -

Henry I. Snell representing B.F. Sturtevant & Co., called this P.M., in regard to a fan blower for Vulcan boiler plant - Mr. Jones agreed to their proposition to erect an 8 foot fan, furnish piping, etc complete, and place same, for the sum of $1200. - They guarantee it in every respect - 

We have a squad of men out at Both Collieries - doing odd jobs - Cleaned out under both breakers - In the 3rd East, inside turnout, the rack intervening between top and bottom splits is cracking etc - Have 8 men tinkering it -

James Muir called today - 

Carpenters of both Collieries are working here [[insert]] (New Boston) [[/insert]] to day, shingling old Carpenter & Smith shop -