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[[preprinted]] April, FRIDAY, 16. 1897. [[/preprinted]]

Everybody taking a Holiday - 

Beautiful day -

[[underlined]] JM Richards [[/underlined]] was home sick on Monday afternoon. Came out Saturday morning - Very bad cold. 

Only worked 18 hours at each Colliery this week 9 hrs Monday & 9 hrs Tuesday - L.V. run cars 3 days, but placed them the during first 2 days - 

The Investigation Committee had Doctor Hoffman of Morea on the file today - Mahanoy City Daily Record goes for the Company Doctor, as well as Company stores -

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[[preprinted]] April, SATURDAY, 17. 1897. [[/preprinted]]

Tempt + 40[[degree symbol]] and Barometer 28.20 @ 7 [[superscript]] 3 [[/superscript]]/a
" [[Ditto for: Tempt]] + 45[[degree symbol]] " " [[Dittos for: and Barometer]] 28.22 @ 4 PM
Sun shine - Clouds - Winds - Raw air -

Both Collieries idle - Every body idle

Have some men timbering the 3rd East at B Mtn -

The Investigation Committee, appointed by the House of Representatives to find out what condition the workingmen of the Anthracite coal regions are in, are holding sessions at Mahanoy City this week-  Were at Shenandoah 2 days this week-  Are subpoenaing business men, miners, laborers,etc.  Will Lattimore was to appear there to-day - but did not arrive until about 10 oclock, and it was then too late as they had adjourned & were getting ready to leave -  Elmer Evans, Asst. Supt. at Morea was on the stand to-day -  This investigation is regarded as a farce -  by both workingmen, coal operators, business, etc -

Val Meyers is on the sick list -

Mr. Jones went home early today - to avoid a probable call from the Investigation Committee -

Transcription Notes:
^ only used for inserting written material into typed or printed matter