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[[preprinted]] August, MONDAY, 30. 1897. [[/preprinted]]
Tempt 64° and Barometer 28.40 @ 7 [[superscript]] 3 [[/superscript]]/a
[[ditto for: Tempt]]  68°  [[dittos for: and Barometer]] 28.40 @ 6 Pm
Pleasant all day -

Both Collieries started up this morning - short of coal all day - Miners understood that the 
Collieries would not work today, hence they did not work on Saturday, as they thought they would come out to-day and fill up their breasts - Consequently, we started up this morning with no coal -

Mr Martz of J.C. Bright & Co. called this Pm, and put on 3 door checks -

W.H. Lattimore left yesterday, to spend a week on a vacation
W B Richards left Saturday afternoon, same purpose -

Mr. Stichter of Pottsville, called to-day - Had some old new mine supplies to sell - Has had them since 1865. Was in business with Thompson of Pottsville - Firm was known as Stichter & Thompson. Had with him an old order book, showing orders S.&T. received from the New Boston Coal Co., in the early part of 1865 - Some of the prices are very high - Coal oil 1.15¢ per gallon. Whale oil 1.85. Nails [[strikethrough]] 12 [[/strikethrough]] 8.50 per keg, etc. Mr. Jones sent a list of prices as were then, and as they are now, to Mr. Delano.

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[[preprinted]] August, TUESDAY, 31. 1897. [[/preprinted]]
Tempt +66° and Barometer 28.   at 7 [[superscript]] 3 [[/superscript]]/Am
 [[ditto for: Tempt]] +  [[ditto marks for: 66° and Barometer]] 28.  [[dittos for: at]]  6 Pm
Beautiful day -

Both Collieries idle -- Mined about 32000 tons this month, 16500 from Vulcan and 15500 from BMtn.

Everything quiet - Squads repairing at both Collieries -

Delano informed us that our Allotment for Sept would be 60 cars per day. 15 Less per day than in August - If this were constant, would mean about 8 hours per day for each Colliery -

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