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[[Start Page]]

[[preprinted]] September, FRIDAY, 3. 1897. [[/preprinted]]

Tempt + 68[[degree symbol]] and Barometer 28.70 @ 7 [[superscript]] 3 [[/superscript]]/a

" [[ditto for: Tempt]] + 70[[degree symbol]] ' ' [[dittos for: and Barometer]] 28.74 @ 6 PM

Beautiful day -

Both Collieries worked 9 hours - 

Have 8 3/4 cars of Buckwheat standing at Buck Mtn no orders - 

Hansen Ball was here to-day and contract was made to erect fences, coal sheds and shanties for Vulcan houses - 

Pay Rolls are finished - Received books on Wednesday - Heavy Rolls. - 

[[End Page]]
[[Start Page]]

[[preprinted]] September, SATURDAY, 4. 1897. [[/preprinted]]

Tempt + 69[[degree symbol]] and Barometer 28.80 @ 7 [[superscript]] 3 [[/superscript]]/a

" [[ditto for: Tempt]] + 78 ' ' [[dittos for: and Barometer]] 28.85 @ 4 PM

Pleasant all day -

Both Collieries idle - LV not running cars - 

Ten men working

Everything quiet  

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