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[[preprinted]] September, FRIDAY, 17. 1897. [[/preprinted]]

Tempt +64[[degree symbol]] and Barometer 28.28 @ 7 [[superscript]] 3 [[/superscript]]/A
[[ditto for: Tempt]] +70[[degree symbol]] [[dittos for: and Barometer]] 28.37 @ 6PM

Rained a little last night - Cool and somewhat windy to-day -

Both Collieries worked 9 hour - No more work for the week -

Notice clipping attached to this page, from Mahanoy City daily Record, last evening - Mr. Jones has decided to stop collecting this tax, and will also return to morrow, all the tax collected, to the alien employees - This made the clerks hustle, to make out the roll of taxes, checks, envelopes, put up the money, etc.  Money we had here, and the Hazleton National Bank gave us the various denominations in exchange -

Strike is still spreading - Sheriff Scott has made an appeal to the governor for troops for [[text obscured]]  At McAdoo the strikers are raiding [[text obscured]] women are in front of them - [[text obscured]] at Hazleton has no authority to enter [[text obscured]]

[[newspaper clipping]] [[underline]] THREE CENT MEN.[[/underline]] 

You are no Longer So Classed by the Reading.

The collection of the alien tax by the Reading Company has ceased.  Orders to stop deductions were sent to all of its fifty or more collieries late yesterday afternoon.  At many of the collieries the pay rolls had been started or completed so the clerks had much of their work to undo.  No advices have been received as to the return of the money already collected and what the company's intentions are the local official cannot divine.  It is generally believed, however, that is will be returned in next weeks envelopes. [[/newspaper clipping]]

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First Frost -

[[preprinted]] September, SATURDAY, 18. 1897. [[/preprinted]]

Tempt +58[[degree symbol]] and Barometer 28.43 @ 7 [[superscript]] 3 [[/superscript]]/A
[[ditto for: Tempt]] +62[[degree symbol]] at 1PM
[[ditto for: Tempt]] +60[[degree symbol]] and Barometer 28.31 @ 6PM

Very cool last night and this morning - Had a little frost last night -

Both Collieries idle - RR Co not running Cars-
Received word over the phone last evening at 5.40 oclock that they would run cars on Monday -  Had notices sent out during the week that they would not runs cars Monday.  Had it arranged to suspend everybody to morrow, as we could do any special work on Monday - but we telephoned to do it to-day -

Strike at Hazleton is about the same - A mass meeting of the strikers will be held to-night - Speeches will be made, etc.  One regiment of infantry and one troop of cavalry will also be there to hear the speeches etc - Expect to have 10 to 20000 people at the meeting -

Few men working to-day - Insurance has been placed on the 5 new blocks of homes at BMtn

Pay day - Paid back Alien tax, amounting to about 460.00 both Collieries.  This tax law is still in effect, but the decision of Judge Atchison has led many to believe it unconstitutional, although it has not been tried by the Supreme Court - Still, it is a safe risk -

[[End Page]]

Transcription Notes:
Some text on first page obscured by attached clipping.