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[[preprinted]] October, WEDNESDAY, 13. 1897. [[/preprinted]]
Tempt +62[[degree symbol]] and Barometer 28.76 @ 7 [[superscript]] 3 [[/superscript]] /A
[[ditto for: Tempt]] +64[[degree symbol]] [[ditto for: and Barometer]] 28.82 @ 6 PM

Pleasant all day - 

Vulcan run 5 hours - Cars are scarce - 
Run though 8 cars of condemned chestnut this Pm. BMtn worked 10 hours - 
Delano could not tell us at noon how many cars we would get -

Yesterday morning, we commenced sending a daily report of cars received, loaded, empty, and condemned at our Collieries, to Mr W A Lathrop via P.R.R. telegraph -

Mr. Jones and Mr Kishbaugh are attending Operators meeting at New York today - [[quotation mark]] Waldorf [[/quotation mark]]
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[[preprinted]] October, THURSDAY, 14. 1897. [[/preprinted]]
Tempt +60 and Barometer 28.93 @ 7 Am
[[ditto for Tempt]] +59 [[ditto for and Barometer]] 28.82 @ 6 PM
Beautiful day -

Buck Mountain worked only four hours. 
Vulcan Worked 9 hours - 

The way the LV people are running things is provocing - They started yesterday to have engines take the coal out of the Collieries in the evening, after quitting time, and will run it through without changing the curv or engine to Perth Amboy - But, this morning the Vulcan Colliery started up with 6 [[superscript]] 5 [[/superscript]] /4 in their breaker and had no empty cars. About 8.30 eight cars were put in. Buck Mountain started up with [[superscript]] 100 [[/superscript]] /4 in breaker, had no empty cars; and after much complaining to Delano they finally sent in 6 [[superscript]] 1 [[/superscript]] /4 cars at about 10.30 Am. Up to 1 PM neigher [[written above letter "g" in "neigher"]] t [[/written above]] Colliery received any more cars. BMtn quit after working 4 hours, Vulcan 9. Received 25 cars at each Colliery - Delano did not know how many we would get until 1 Pm - Also wanted to know when we were going to get them, and they did not know etc
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Transcription Notes:
the word "neigher" later had the G corrected to a T in superscript above it in the text