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[[preprinted]] October, Thursday, 21. 1897. [[/preprinted]]

Tempt + 52[[degree symbol]] Barometer 28.36 @ 73a

" [[ditto for: Tempt]] + 54[[degree symbol]] " [[ditto for: Barometer]] 28.37 @ 6 PM

Disagreeable day - Drizzling Rain at times - Old Sol in hiding all day - 

Both Collieries worked 10 hours - Condemned cars 6 today at Vulcan

Hoisted 432 cars coal at Vulcan and loaded 211/4 RR cars. Hoisted 352 cars of coal at B Mtn and loaded 186 RR cars - B Mtn Colliery was considerably delayed this morning by Loco. 3' East being off the track - Have not been shipping a great amount of Culier[[guess]] from our Collieries lately, on account of cars being scarce; but now we are sending it forward

The Pennsylvania RR Co's ^[[annual]] inspection of the tracks is now on - Car went through here to-day - 

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[[preprinted]] October, FRIDAY, 22. 1897. [[/preprinted]]

Tempt + 56[[degree symbol]] and Barometer 28.49 @ 73a

" [[ditto for: Tempt]] + 54[[degree symbol]] ' " [[dittos for: and Barometer]] 28.57 @ 6 PM

[[strikethrough]] Plea [[strikethrough]] Raining part of the day, a mere drizzling - Sun obscure all day - 

Both Collieries worked 10 hours - 

Buck Mountain is doing poor - 
Vulcan very well - 

# 3 Artesian Well for Buck Mountain is now stopped, or completed at 768 feet - Mr Jones made our Bill today -