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[[preprinted]] November,   Monday, 8.           1897. [[/preprinted]]

Tempt +50 and Barometer 28.32 @ 7 3/a

" [ditto for: Tempt]] ]+44 " " [[ditto for: and Barometer]] 28.14 @ 6pm

Raining - a slow drizzling - all day - Very foggy this evening

Both Collieries work 10 hours -

Still have 19 cars embargoed coal at BMtn - and few cars at Vulcan -   

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[[preprinted]] November,  Tuesday, 9.      1897. [[/preprinted]]

Tempt +46[[degree symbol]] and  Barometer 27.80 @ 7 3/a

"[[ditto for: Tempt]]] +42[degree symbol] "  " [[ditto for: and Barometer]]  27.84 @ 6pm

Raining this morning, and kept it up until noon - Cleared a little, but started to rain again - cleared up somewhat at 4Pm - Cold - Windy - 6 Pm

Both Collieries worked 10 hours -

Received a batch of Complaints from Mr. Kisblaugh, complaining of Black Mountain Colliers coals, especially of the stove, nut & Pea.  Stove is slaty, so is the chestnut, chestnut contains too much Pea and stove too much Egg & Broken - Pea is slaty, dirty and small - Vulcan Pea same complaint - Are blocked up with coal as Perth Auboy and line orders are scarce - 

Collieries are doing pretty good work - Vulcan hoisting a little over 400 cars coal per day and BMtn is hoisting a little under 400 - Including Rock  BMtn hoists about 400 per day as there we have no night shifts to hoist the Rock - At Vulcan all the
Rock is being hoisted by night - Bms night Rock shift was taken off few weeks ago -