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Mr. Jones inside at Buck Mountain -

[[preprinted]] November,  FRIDAY, 12.  1897. [[/preprinted]]

Tempt +36[[degree symbol]] and  Barometer 28.04 @ 7 3/a
[[ditto for Tempt]]+38[[degree symbol]][[ditto for and Barometer]] 28.22 @ 6pm
Cold - snowed a very little - Windy -

Both Collieries worked 10 hours - Blocked up with "Embargoed" coal - 33 cars at each Colliery -
Mr. Kishbaugh is hustling to get it out - Cannot ship any to Perth Amboy - Will endeavor to have this Embargo lifted tomorrow -

Mr. Jones went inside "Buck Mountain" this morning,
and went down to look at the 5' Lift East Gangway - The gangway is too far  south of the Barrier Pillar Line, and the basin is rising too rapidly to the East - 

Pete mule was killed on the 3 West Turnout, Buck Mountain Colliery - Harry Inman, driver.  Pete was hitching mule, on coming to turnout, cars were running rapidly; had iron "spreader" which was dragging on the road; at Turnout swith,[[switch]] spreader caught on rails -
Spreader is wider than between rails at swith.  Cars
ran up on this mule, killing it instantly -

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

November, SATURDAY, 13. 1897. [[/preprinted]]

Tempt +36[[degree symbol]]  and Barometer 28.37 @ 7 3/a
[[ditto for Tempt]]+38[[degree symbol]] [[ditto for and Barometer]] @28.44 @ 6pm
Cool - Windy - otherwise pleasant -

Pay day - Mr. Kishbaugh & W H Lattimore at Vulcan
Jim [[ditto for Kishbaugh]] & Pat Connagham at BMtn
Stopped the 1st West B. Vein Gangway at Buck Mountain
Colliery, about the 1st of this month x  It has been driven as
far as it ought to go in connection with Vulcan Colly.
The 2nd West B Vein Gangway has also been stopped, the
same being in fault, having encountered the faulty ground
in which the Second east gangway from Vulcan was driven.  This territory,west of the boundary Pillar, between Vulcan & Buck Mountain, is all confused and in
trouble, consequently we think it not worthwhile to drive  
this gangway in the fault any further, as we have proven that such is the case, to our satisfaction -

Vulcan worked 4 hours - blocked up with embargoed coal - BMtn worked 5 hours - Run 2 3/4 cars condemned through at BMtn - Have
7 cars at Vulcan, but the embargoed coal was above it - succeeded in getting Delano to
raise embargo of Wilbur to Perth Amboy - Took "Delano" too long to get coal out -
Had men waiting to reprepare the coal - sent home -

[[newspaper clipping attached to page]]
Many women cursed and shouted at [[th]]e soldiers, but matters went no further.  This move by General Gobin [[pr]]oved effective, and no more rumors of [[tr]]ouble floated in from the hot town of [[M]]cAdoo to ruffle the calm at brigade headquarters.

The nationality of Harwood employees is shown in the following table:-

[[Table has country name and 4 columns of numbers titled as below]]

Inside. Outside. Totals. Percent.
Poland ....  144  13 157 .1955
Ireland....   22  10 32  .0399
America ...   76  90 166 .2067
Italy  ....    9  76 85  .1059
Hungary .... 135  82 217 .2702
Russia .....  10   2  12 .0149
Wales .....    2  ..  2  .0025
Scotland ...   1  ..  1  .0012
England .....  6   2  8  .0100
Prussia ....   1  ..  1  .0012
Germany ....   5  11 16  .0199
Sweden .....   1  ..  1  .0013
France ....    1  ..  1  .0013
us.Hungary .. ... 72 72  .0897
Unknown ....  ...  7  7  .0087
              ___ ___ __  ___    Totals .....  433 370 803 1.0000

Gobin's Visit to Camp 
[[T]]he stirring military event of the day [[obscured]] the tour of General Gobin to the [[tro]]ops of the Fourth Regiment at Drif-[[obscured]]  and the Thirteenth at Lattimer.      

Transcription Notes:
left edge of clipping is partially obscured but filled in missing letters since they were obvious